PROPOSALS have been submitted which could see five new homes built on "high risk" vacant land in Patna.

A submission from Axiom Design Services on behalf of developer, David Graham, would see a mixture of two and three-bedroom homes erected.

If approved, they would be built on land off of Fullarton Place and Main Street, near to Patna old cemetery.

The plans show that two of the homes would have two bedrooms and a lounge, with the other three homes having three bedrooms, a large kitchen/dining area and adjoining garage.

Proposals for the two-bedroom homes.Proposals for the two-bedroom homes. (Image: NQ Archive) A total of 13 parking spaces would be included in the small-scale development.

The recently renamed Coal Authority, now called the Mining Remediation Authority, responded to the plans stating that the "application site falls within the defined development high risk area".

Objecting to the plans, the response adds: "Therefore within the site and surrounding area there are coal mining features and hazards which need to be considered in relation to the determination of this planning application.

"More specifically, the Coal Authority’s information indicates that the site lies in an area where historic unrecorded underground coal mining is likely to have taken place at shallow depth.

"Voids and broken ground associated with such workings may pose a risk to ground stability and public safety."

No other major objections have been submitted against the plans so far, with a decision expected by early January.

You can view the full plans on the East Ayrshire Council planning page, by searching for application 24/0513/PP.