A THRIVING Kilwinning convenience store has revealed exciting plans to expand.
The Premier shop on Main Street has brought plans to North Ayrshire Council to increase its offering having taken on the neighbouring premises.
Applicant Kuldip Kaur is proposing to change the use and internal operations of the former dance studio next the store's current premises to combine both units.
Proposals would see a slight change to the Main Street frontage of the building, with a new sign erected to cover both units.
The Main Street entrance would move slightly to the former studio unit. The rear door - within the Lauchlan Way car park - would also move slightly to the one previously used by the adjacent premises. Both entrances would be made accessible.
Within, the smaller retail section of the two within the store would be converted into a store room.
However, retail space would still see an expansion with the whole of the former dance studio to become part of the shop floor. This would allow for wider aisles and a greater customer experience.
This expansion would allow the Premier to create new areas such as a wine wall, deli, refill station and frozen goods section.
Documents provided to support the application look to state the reasoning for bringing forward the proposals.
They said: "The existing Main Street has a variety of different businesses with varying margins of success.
"Some shops units are closed and most shopfronts nearby are in a state of disrepair. The existing Premier shop is an example of success and expanding it will bring more footfall to the street and hopefully have a knock on effect to help support the surrounding business."
The application was brought to the council, as planning authority, earlier this month and is currently pending consideration.
Plans can be viewed in full, were comments can also be made, online via the council's online planning portal - searching for reference 24/00838/PP.
Read the rules here