A KILMARNOCK sex offender has admitted secretly filming teenage boys undressing and showering - and keeping recordings on his mobile phone years later.

Perverted Ian Carroll was also found with more than 1,000 indecent images of children on his device which he collected over nearly a decade.

The 61-year-old appeared in the dock at the town's sheriff court on Tuesday, September 24, where he pleaded guilty to three charges.

Carroll confessed to possessing photographs or pseudo-photographs of children at an address in Kilmarnock and elsewhere between February 7, 2012, and January 29, 2022.

Carroll - from Hurlford - also pleaded guilty to a pair charges relating to recording teens doing a private act.

One of the incidents took place between November 2014, and October 2015, with the other between May 2014, and December 2015.

The matters came to light on January 27, 2022, when a family friend visited Carroll at this then home address, procurator fiscal Gemma McKechnie told the court.

At this time, she asked the creep if she could browse his phone to look for images of herself when she was younger.

It was while she was looking on the device that she came across old videos which appeared to show teenage boys within a bathroom.

The recordings clearly showed the young men undressed, completely naked and their genitalia was visible.

Ms McKechnie added that both videos began with Carroll placing a camera in a hidden location and ended when he came back to collect the device.

The court was told that the Kilmarnock man's phone was returned to him with the woman not saying anything regarding what she had seen.

The following day, she returned to Carroll's home and made the same request as she had previously.

The woman then went to the bathroom and retrieved screen recordings of the videos which she forwarded on to a relative and secured as evidence.

The matter was then reported to police who attended and arrested Carroll who was later cautioned and charged making no reply.

Kilmarnock Sheriff Court was also told that further enquiries were carried out when police attended Carroll's home.

His mobile phone was seized and was later analysed by members of Police Scotland's cyber crime time.

A total of 1,194 indecent images of children were found on the device.

They were detailed as 162 category A images, the most extreme, with 139 falling into category B and 893 category C pictures.

Sheriff Colin Bisset granted Carroll bail, delaying sentence to a later date.

He told Carroll: “As you appreciate the offences you pleaded guilty to are serious in nature.”

He was also added to the sex offenders register and the period of time he will remain upon this will be determined at his next appearance.