A brave woman is set to swim the English Channel to raise vital funds for the Ayrshire Hospice. 

Nikki Young will take on the gruelling swim to raise money in memory of her gran, who she sadly lost to cancer in 2022. 

Gran Green introduced Nikki to swimming, and she now wants to give back to the Ayrshire charity in her honour. 

Nikki said: "I'm aiming to swim the English Channel this summer and trying to raise as much money as possible to help the Ayrshire Hospice.

"I don't think anyone is lucky enough to say they haven't suffered the devasting affects that cancer can have on a family.

"The Ayrshire Hospice not only cares for patients with this terrible disease but other life limiting conditions.

"Any donation, big or small, would be much appreciated by me, the charity and hopefully makes a difference for the people they care for. 

"Personally, three out of my four grandparents have had a type of cancer. Fortunately my Grampa was lucky enough to go into remission but I sadly lost my lovely Gran Green in 2022 to this awful disease.

"My Gran was the one who introduced me to the amazing sport of swimming and took me to my very first swimming lesson because she was not given the same opportunities when she was younger.

"It felt only fitting that I attempt this swim in memory of this amazing woman. She was truly inspiring in more ways than I can mention but mainly she continued to fight through this awful disease and even in her final weeks she continued swimming, truly showing the love she had for this sport and the joy it brought her."

To donate to Nikki's fundraiser, go to https://www.justgiving.com/page/nikki-young-1706829697752.