Planning permission has been sought to install a "critical" new substation in Darvel. 

Scottish Power has lodged proposals with East Ayrshire Council for the new infrastructure at East Main Street.


The town's existing substation was out of service and has now been decommissioned, resulting in the local power supply being placed on an emergency supply.

Scottish Power says the new substation would "safeguard the resilience of the wider network in the area."

The removal of the existing substation would also allow for future development on the site, which has been identified in the local development plan.

The proposed development comprises a compound of around 745sqm and will contain a transformer building, switchgear building, secondary substation and a de-mountable 5-metre-high floodlight.


The site will be served by a new access with a bellmouth onto the public road, and a small parking area for two vehicles with turning space will be formed within the site.

The compound will be secured by a 2.5-metre-high palisade fence and the floodlight will be turned off during regular operation.

The substation will not be manned and attendance at the site will only be required for infrequent servicing and maintenance of equipment.

Scottish Power said: "Existing power supply serving Darvel is on an emergency footing and it has been identified that a new primary substation is required, otherwise the power supply could be at risk should any fault occur on the network."

The planning application will be decided upon by East Ayrshire Council in the coming months.