Ayrshire Cancer Support (ACS) has been given a welcome funding boost after receiving two fantastic donations. 

The charity welcomed Alan Angus into their Kilmarnock Centre before Christmas, who handed over a cheque for £258.50.

Alan recently held a party with his wife Heather at Portland Bowling Club to celebrate his birthday and used the special occasion to raise money for ACS. 

Ayrshire Today:

Staff also welcomed Gabriella and Kirsty, from Auchinleck Nursery.

Along with fellow colleague Heather, they organised a charity bake sale in aid of ACS back in December.

They brought along Maura, Cole, Amelia, Oakley and Abi, who were all delighted that they raised £356.41 through their amazing baking efforts.

A charity spokesperson said: "As always, a huge thank you to all our community supporters."