AN ANIMAL charity's fostering service is now recruiting suitable foster homes in Ayrshire.

The charity recently expanded its fostering and rehoming team to increase its capacity to foster, with the aim of adding 400 new foster homes to the service by the end of next year.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity is now appealing to animal lovers to consider opening their hearts and homes to an animal in need by signing up to become a foster carer.

Anna O’Donnell, Scottish SPCA fostering and rehoming lead, said: “For over a year, we’ve been able to transform the lives of hundreds of animals with the support of selfless fosterers.

"We now want to grow and expand that service and need suitable local people to get involved.

“It is widely accepted in the animal welfare sector that a home environment is better for an animal’s rehabilitation than a kennel environment, which many animals find stressful.

"Anyone who fosters an animal is playing a massive part in getting that animal ready to find a permanent home.

“And, on top of the significant benefits for the animal, it is a hugely rewarding experience for the people who foster too."

Over 380 animals have benefitted from fostering since it launched, and the service currently has about 200 foster homes registered.

Any successful applicant is offered online training so they can confidently foster, and expenses to cover the likes of food and veterinary treatment are provided.

To find out more about fostering and apply, visit the Scottish SPCA website at