SCHOOL pupils in Ayrshire are facing major disruption after a union announced three days of strike action for later this month.

North Ayrshire and South Ayrshire are both set to be affected by UNISON's industrial action - with more than three-quarters of Scotland's schools facing closure in a dispute over pay with local government umbrella body COSLA.

The action will affect primary and secondary schools in 24 local authorities.

UNISON, Scotland’s largest local government union, says more than 21,000 members, covering the full range of school support staff duties including school cleaners, caterers, janitors and school support assistants, will take part in the action over three days from Tuesday, September 26 to Thursday, September 28.

The union served 14 days’ notice of the strike action to employers on Thursday, September 7.

Schools in East Ayrshire are not affected.

UNISON Scotland’s head of local government, Johanna Baxter said: “Going on strike is always a last resort – our members want to be in schools supporting children, not on picket lines outside them. But they have been left with no option. 

"Local government workers overwhelmingly rejected COSLA’s below-inflation pay offer back in March and despite our repeated representations no improvement has been forthcoming.   

"A real-terms pay cut in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis is a cut our members simply cannot afford.  

"This is not a highly-paid workforce - three quarters of local government workers earn less than the average Scottish wage.

"All they want is to be paid fairly for the vital work they do supporting Scotland’s communities – COSLA and the Scottish Government need to get back round the table and work with us to deliver that.” 

Mark Ferguson, chair of UNISON Scotland’s local government committee, said: "Our members are steadfast in their resolve to fight for fair pay. 

"COSLA’s offer falls short of UNISON’s pay claim, it is also less than the offer made to the lowest paid local government staff south of the border.  

"No-one wants to see schools close but COSLA need to come back with a significantly improved pay offer very soon if strike action is to be avoided. 

"We remain committed to engaging in negotiations with COSLA and the Scottish Government at any point to try to resolve this dispute.” 

It is the largest ever vote for strike action by school staff in Scotland.

The Unite trade union has also announced plans for staff to take strike action across the same three days as UNISON - though the Unite action affects only 11 council areas, none of them in Ayrshire.

COSLA and the Scottish Government have been contacted for comment.