Musicians and community groups across Ayrshire are set to participate in the first ever Scottish Folk Day later this month.

The country-wide celebration on Saturday, September 23, is helping to promote and celebrate the country’s vibrant and varied folk scene and traditions.

The exciting new project has called for musicians of all backgrounds and abilities across Scotland to stage live performances and workshops throughout the day.

Organised by Scotland’s Traditional Music Forum, Scottish Folk Day is running in tandem with European Folk Day.

The initiative aims to offer a networking platform for musicians and artists at all levels to showcase their talents.

In Ayrshire, Scotland-based Cultural Connections will perform their latest play, Connie meets Robert Burns, at the Ayrshire Food Hub near Kilmarnock.

The light hearted play centres around a ‘gallus’ Glasgow woman trying to understand Robert Burns and his works.

Meanwhile, Arran Folk will host a free evening ceilidh at Whiting Bay Village Hall for all to attend.

For further information on how to get involved, visit