Stewarton Annick girls football club has scored vital new equipment for its youth players after being nominated for a prize giveaway.

The Bonnet Toun club was nominated for the equipment from SWPL principal partner ScottishPower by Celtic star Kelly Clark.

The renewable energy company became the principal partner for Scottish Women’s Football and the Scottish Women’s Premier League at the start of last season.

To celebrate its partnership, the firm is providing six kit packages to grassroots clubs featuring bibs, cones, water bottles and Puma footballs.

It asked the captains of each of the top 6 SWPL sides to nominate a community club they value for their work to further developing girls’ youth football.

Kelly Clark nominated Stewarton Annick and helped hand over the new equipment supported by Ross Galbraith, ScottishPower Renewables Project Delivery Director, Onshore UK & Ireland.

(Image: ScottishPower)

She said: "Investing in training equipment for grassroots girls’ players isn’t just about improving their skills and the accessibility of the sport; it’s about empowering them to dream bigger, strive harder, and pave the way for the future of women’s football.

"I'm really proud to be able to nominate Stewarton Annick to receive a kit package, thanks to Celtic’s association with our club ambassador and women's football pioneer Rose Reilly, who the club's facilities are appropriately named after.

"By providing the right tools today, we are nurturing the champions of tomorrow."

Nicola Ross, Stewarton Annick club representative, added: “We'd like to say a massive thank you to ScottishPower the SWPL and SWF as well as to Celtic and to Kelly herself for coming along today.

"It's fantastic to have our U14s nominated by Kelly to receive the Power Moments equipment from ScottishPower.

"We appreciate the nomination and the help this provides to keep costs down for families".