A Largs woman is organising a charity disco as a way to raise money to help a vital support group.

Dyanna Cook is fundraising for the Largs Chest, Heart and Stroke Group, who have been a huge part of her brother Gary’s life.

The plan is to raise enough money to pay for expensive travel costs so Gary and others in the group can go on more trips and outings.

She said: “My brother doesn’t have any other outlet. This group is the only social dependable activity he has once a week.

“It’s only for two hours in the library and I thought if we did something it would help promote them to. Gary just absolutely loves it and they’re all really kind to him.

“I do know that from experience when my brother’s been saying they’re going somewhere he'll tell me what the transport cost is and it’s quite a lot.

"So I thought well I could do a wee something to help, and there’s not an awful lot for people to do in Largs."

Gary began attending the group as a means of support, after an incident where he fell onto concrete while cleaning windows in Millport 21 years ago.

The music at the disco will be provided by DJ Huey B, who dropped out of a paid gig in order to do this event for free.

A raffle will also take place later in the evening, with the top prize being an £85 Lulu Guinness purse that was bought for the raffle by Dyanna’s friend who is unable to attend.

All other prizes for the raffle have also been donated specially by friends and family members, and include bottles of gin, aftershave, skincare, and jewellery.

There is no specific target for the fundraiser, and people are encouraged to donate what they can.

Dyanna added: “I’d like to raise as much as I can but to be logical, no matter what we raise it’s going to be money that the group never had previously.

"I just have to think about that and the fact that people are coming out to help.

“It really really gets you, I love doing things like that to help people. It’s really really nice to do something if you can.”

The disco will be held on Friday, September 27 at 7:30pm inside the Largs Masonic Hall, and the raffle will be drawn at 11pm.

Tickets are £5 and can be bought on the Eventbrite page at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/charity-disco-in-aid-of-largs-chest-heart-and-stroke-group-with-dj-huey-b-tickets-1017649947387 or by calling 07920427022.