A WEST Kilbride marine engineer has denied a dangerous driving charge after allegedly causing serious injury to three women in a crash on the A77.

Cameron Cormack pleaded not guilty in court last week after he was alleged to have caused the injuries to the women while in Ballantrae in August 2022.

The 26-year-old is said to have driven a vehicle dangerously or without due care and attention, with the charge claiming he 'drove at excessive speed for the road conditions' at the time.

It is claimed that he failed to negotiate a bend, crossed onto the opposing carriageway and caused another car to take evasive action to avoid a collision.

Court papers state Cormack then collided with the car, causing extensive damage to both of the vehicles.

Defence solicitor Gordon Ghee told Sheriff Shirley Foran that his client pleaded not guilty to the charges on the indictment, with counsel Laura Ann Bradford instructed for trial.

The lawyer said: "He has no record and is in full time employment as a marine engineer in the Gulf of Mexico.

“It may resolve without the need for trial, there is a substantial joint minute. The only point of a trial would be the degree of culpability; injuries are a matter of agreement."

The procurator fiscal depute told Sheriff Foran that the Crown was ready for trial.

Bail was continued for Cormack, of Sharlee Wynd, West Kilbride.

He will return to the dock to face the charge at a later date.