A YOUNG fundraiser is taking on a 14-mile charity cycle with friends and family in memory of her grampa.

Abbie Russell, 11, will cycle from Kilmarnock to Irvine and back in memory of her Grampa Charlie, all in aid of the Ayrshire Hospice. 

So far she has raised an amazing £745 for the charity, who looked after her grampa, before she has even cycled anywhere.

Anyone can join this inspirational young girl on her route by walking running, scooting or whatever else alongside her.

Abbie said: "Anyone can join in and you don’t need to cycle, you can walk, run or scoot. Please feel free to join in. You can contact me for further details.

"Any donations no matter how small will make a massive difference.

"Thanks to the wonderful Ayrshire Hospice for the amazing service they provide and for looking after my Grampa so well."

You can make a donation at tinyurl.com/abbieayrshirehospicecycle.