A Kilmarnock man has admitted stealing a games console while misusing Valium.

Lee McIlvanney, 44, of Lammermuir Road, pleaded guilty at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court to breaking into a dwelling flat and stealing the device on February 14, 2022.

The court heard how the owner of the flat in the town's Bonnyton Road had left her property and on returning around 3am, found that the front door had been forced open and a Playstation console was missing. 

Police attended the property and fingerprints were lifted that were found to belong to McIlvanney, who was traced and arrested at a later date.

His lawyer told the court that McIlvanney was employed as a roofer and had been misusing Valium at the time of the incident. 

He had struggled with drugs since he was a teenager, and had little recollection of the incident in question.

The diet was adjourned for reports, and McIlvanney's bail was continued.