Trading Standards has issued advice to residents in South Ayrshire regarding unsolicited telephone calls.

Local residents have received calls from unknown companies, advising that they are due a new community alarm upgrade at a cost of £30 and asking for the residents' bank details.

In some cases, residents didn’t have a community alarm, and knew it was a potential scam.

South Ayrshire Council's Telecare service advise that they would not phone service users looking for their bank details.

Residents are advised to remain vigilant and if they receive any unexpected visits or calls of this nature to:

• Always check the ID/uniform of any visitors claiming to be from South Ayrshire Council

• If in doubt, push your alert button OR if the caller is on the phone hang up. If the caller is claiming to be from South Ayrshire Council you can call 0300 123 0900 to check if the caller is genuine.

If you are bothered by scam calls you may be eligible for the installation of a free call blocker. Call 0300 123 0900 and ask for Trading Standards for advice.