A PERVERT who raped a young girl and sexually abused a boy in Ayrshire has been jailed for seven years.

Ryan Brown, from Drongan, attacked the 10-year-old girl who was in his care at a property in the village between November 2019 and March 2020.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that the 35-year-old is continuing to deny he committed the offences, despite being found guilty by a jury.

Court papers stated that Brown seized her by the body and pulled down her lower clothing before he raped her.

Brown earlier preyed on the boy when he was aged between four and six, at a disused railway station in Drongan between April 2011 and 2013.

The charge says Brown caused his victim to participate in sexual activity.

Brown stood behind him, removed his lower clothing and underwear, then told him to bend over before Brown exposed himself.

Brown was sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow on July 11 following the jury's guilty verdict.

Judge Lord Colbeck said: "You deny the offences and accept no responsibility.

"I have to assess culpability in terms of these matters and I look at blameworthiness at the time.

"Each time you offended, it was against children in your care and you were in a position of trust.

"I have to assess the harm caused by you.

"From the girl's evidence, there was some psychological harm and trauma which persists today.

"There is no method of dealing with you other than a lengthy period in custody,

"This is for punishment and the public's disapproval of your behaviour."

It was revealed that Brown has three non-analogous previous convictions from 2007 and 2008.

He has never served jail time before or appeared at the High Court.

Gail Gianni, defending, told the hearing that her client maintains his innocence.