AN EX-PRISONER from Stevenston hammered another inmate with a gym weight while the pair were behind bars.

But the thug was spared further jail time for the attack – despite a court being told that he was “unrepentant” about the what he’d done.

Gary Grant appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court for sentencing after pleading guilty at an earlier hearing to assaulting a man at HMP Kilmarnock.

The court was told Grant, 42, struck the man on the head with a weight plate before pursuing him to his injury on April 1, 2023.

Sentence had been deferred for a background social work report – which the sheriff dealing with the case quickly noted was “not very good”.

Defence solicitor Brian Holliman said: "He accepts there are difficulties with the report.”

Mr Holliman said there had been positive feedback from Grant’s supervision on a community payback order (CPO) being carried out in connection with another offence after his release from jail.

Mr Holliman added: “He realises if he was not to comply with this order that a return to custody is inevitable – perhaps a significant one.”

Sheriff Colin Bisset noted that Grant, of Alexander Avenue, had been unable to attend some appointments with social workers due to a medical issue.

Mr Holliman said his client had had gastric issues but that “his health is fine now”, and that he had begun completing unpaid work with lighter duties.

He continued: “He is asking for an opportunity. I understand, given the terms of this report and his history, that there is scepticism.”

But Sheriff Bissett continued to question the solicitor on whether the Stevenston man would be able to comply with a further order.

The sheriff said: “He expresses no remorse for his actions. He seems to be trying to justify them.

“If I was to make him subject to an order I think, I can almost guarantee, he will be back here in a few months, having not complied.

“I wouldn’t say I'd place a bet, as that seems to be getting people in trouble.”

Mr Holliman replied: “Give him a chance to comply with the order and reflect on what you have said.”

Sheriff Bisset gave Grant the opportunity he was asking for, placing him on a further CPO and ordering him to do 200 hours of unpaid work in the next six months.

He told Grant: “You have got to attend those appointments, and carry out that work, and if you don’t, you will be brought before me.

“I have it written down how long you will be going away for if you are.”