A THUG who assaulted an Ayr nightclub bouncer and attacked a couple in the street kicked off at a judge after being sentenced to prison.

Dylan Roberts called the judge 'a cow', before making threats to a co-accused and claiming he never admitted the charge he’d plead guilty to.

The 27–year-old pleaded guilty to assaulting a nightclub bouncer before assaulting another couple along with two others.

We previously reported how the Kilmarnock thug was later caught with his trousers down while trying to flee police. 

The unprovoked attack on the couple came after Dylan Roberts, Finn McLaughlin, 23, and Leon Roberts, 26, were kicked out of the Vinyl nightclub nearby.

The trio, of two separate addresses in Park Street and Altonhill, Kilmarnock, all entered pleas of guilty during a pre-trial hearing following the incidents on October 23, 2022 - which the court heard were captured on CCTV.

Representing Dylan Roberts and Leon Roberts, solicitor David McCraig said: “He is quite appalled at events that night. The clock can’t be rewound. The plea in mitigation acknowledges what happened that night was serious. 

“His life has considerably moved on and he is now in well valued and renumerated employment.

"He plays a significant part in two family units. Since the awful events he has settled in life and makes a valuable contribution to a number of people.

"Had he been remanded it may be difficult to identify an alternative to custody but the passage of time is important.

“He would dedicate himself to make sure any [community] order us complied with.”

Sheriff Shirley Foran flagged outstanding matters in Stranraer Sheriff Court but the accused stated: “I don't know what's happening with it.”

Speaking on behalf of Leon Roberts, Mr McCraig said: "I would differentiate [with Dylan Roberts], but not minimise.

"He has a limited record. He leads a worthwhile life, with two young boys, sharing the parenting with the mother.

"His work is important to him. He is able to pay a financial penalty."

Representing McLaughlin, defence solicitor Graeme Cunninghame said: “Consideration must be to custody given the nature of the offence.

"These incidents are serious, there's no getting away from that.

“He viewed the CCTV footage, and to say he was shocked by what he saw is perhaps the understatement of the day. He could not believe what he became involved with. 

"He deeply regrets what happened that night. He is remorseful and wishes it had never happened.

"Custody has to be an option but I would submit there are viable alternatives.

"Any discount [in sentence] will be shown in the fact he's not going into custody."

Sheriff Foran said: “I think in this situation I will have to differentiate between each accused, for various reasons. I note each was involved in an unprovoked assault.

"One [victim] was acting in the course of his employment; the other two were total strangers just making their way home.

"Dylan Roberts has a particularly concerning record of violent offending of analogous nature. The co-accused appear not to be part of the previous incident at the nightclub, but joined in on attacking members of the public.”

Dylan Roberts was jailed for a total of 36 months across the three charges.

Dylan Roberts was jailed for 14 months, discounted from 18, for charge one, and 22 months discounted from 30 for charges two and three, total of 36 months.  

After Roberts said “f*****g joke this man innit”, Sheriff Foran told the accused: “You're rather proving my point." 

He replied: “Prove my point? I never even plead the day to any of the charges." 

"See you later you f****g cow.”

Addressing one of his co-accused, he added: “See you by the way? When I’m out here I’ll hunt you down."

He told the court’s security officer: "F*****g clown. What you gonna do? You're a f*****g muppet. Don't touch me." 

After Dylan Roberts was led to the cells, Sheriff Foran told McLaughin he would be placed on a community payback order with 300 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered pay £1,000 to each of the two later victims.

She said: "Your discount is not going to jail, largely because of your age. That's something you get away with once."

Leon Roberts was also placed on a community payback order with 200 hours of unpaid work, and was told to pay £500 compensation to the victim in charge two.

She added: "You escape custody only on the basis of your lack of prior offending."