Emergency services have extinguished a car fire at the busy Q8 Petrol Station near the Bellfield interchange. 

Police were called to the scene just before 9am on Thursday, June 6 to the vehicle on fire in the petrol station. 

The fire service was called and the blaze was extinguished with no reports of any injuries. 

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 8.50am on Thursday, June 6, we received a report of a vehicle fire at Bellfield Interchange, Kilmarnock.

"Scottish Fire and Rescue Service were contacted. There were no reports of any injuries."

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: "We were alerted at 7.50am on Thursday, June 6, to reports of a car fire near Bellfield Interchange in Kilmarnock.

"Operations Control mobilised two fire appliances to the scene. One casualty was handed into the care of the Scottish Ambulance Service. Crews have now the scene after ensuring the area was safe."