Youngsters at Dunlop Early Childhood Centre captured the present by planting a time capsule in the grounds of their new facility as it nears completion.

Noa, Louise, Sophie, Nathan, Calder and Nora were the special guests at a time capsule ceremony held recently at The Bridge – the new Dunlop Early Childhood Centre.

Acting head teacher Mrs Nouillan and the children were joined by council leader Douglas Reid, fellow councillors, council staff and contractor Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd for the event.

All the children from the ECC had been working hard preparing items to be included in the time capsule which includes drawings, a photograph of all the children and staff, and a letter to the ‘Future Finder’.

The letter prepared by Mrs Nouillan is a beautiful description of life in 2024 and the village of Dunlop.

Mrs Nouillan said: “We had the perfect day for our time capsule ceremony, with the sun shining on us all.

"The children loved being part of the ceremony and we have given the time capsule to Ashleigh for it to be buried in a safe location near to our favourite tree.

“I wrote a letter for the time capsule that included information about our village, the children and life in 2024.

"It actually made me feel excited, nostalgic and a little tearful to write to our ‘Future Finder’ and for us all to be part of Dunlop’s amazing history.”

The ECC, which is called The Bridge, is due for completion in June.

The design will ensure that children have access to quality learning opportunities and experiences both indoors and outdoors.

This project is the council’s first Passivhaus building. This means that the ECC is being built to a world-leading energy efficiency and thermal performance standard.

Councillor Elaine Cowan, spokesperson for education, and children and young people said: “It was wonderful to join Dunlop ECC at The Bridge for the time capsule ceremony and to view the progress on site.

"It was a glorious day and the view of Arran from the mezzanine floor was really lovely.

"I can’t wait to come back and visit the completed facility once the children have moved in."