PARENTS across Ayrshire are being urged to encourage their children to take time away from their mobile phones, tablets and TV screens.

It's part of a 'Screen Awareness Week' campaign running across Ayrshire and Arran from Monday, March 18 to Friday, March 22.

The week aims to raise the profile of the impact screen use has on child development, health and well-being.

High levels of screen time can effect children and young people’s sleep, levels of activity, mental health, behaviour and speech and language skills.

Screens Awareness Week is a first of its kind in Ayrshire and brings together NHS Ayrshire and Arran’s speech and language therapy and public health team with each of the health and social care partnerships (HSCPs) in East, North and South Ayrshire.

Alison Gooding, speech and language therapy service manager for the South Ayrshire HSCP, said: “Current evidence suggests that increased screen time usage in children and young people is having a detrimental impact, on both their development and well-being.

“High levels of screen use are having an impact on a significant number of children and young people, and it is important we address it and ensure key messages are shared.

“Screens awareness week is an opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of spending time away from entertainment screens and enjoying connecting with others, playing and experiencing some breathing space.

“During this week we’re asking parents, carers, children and young people to reduce their screen time.”