A weather alert has been issued across Ayrshire on Christmas Eve. 

The yellow Met Office warning for wind covers most of the region, and could lead to disruption as shoppers and travellers move across the country. 

The warning started at midday and will run until midnight, with potential disruption to transport services and coastal communities could be battered by strong waves. 

The Met Office said: "An area of low pressure passing to the north of Scotland brings the likelihood of strong west or northwest winds to much of Scotland on Sunday.

"Winds will initially increase across the northwest of the country before transferring south and east through the day.

"Gusts of 50 to 60 mph are likely quite widely, but there is potential for gusts as high as 70 mph across Orkney, Caithness, Sutherland and the Moray Coast .

"Some very gusty conditions are also possible to the east of high ground."