A festive action plan aimed at ensuring people are safe in East Ayrshire throughout the Christmas period has launched. 

East Ayrshire’s 12 days of Christmas Festive Action Plan will see police officers carry out patrols within town centres and visit licensed premises to ensure people are keeping safe throughout.

Chief Inspector Alison Wilson said: 'This is a busy time of the year for police and partners when we see higher footfall within our town centres where more people shop or attend restaurants and bars.

"Our licensed premises will see a higher volume of patrons throughout the festive period, and officers will work closely with the licensed trade to Keep Everybody Safe."

Police are asking revellers to know their limits, act responsibly, look after one another, don't drink or drug drive, plan how they are getting home and have enough charge on their phone."

Get in touch with 101 or 999 in an emergency if you witness any criminal activity.