TWO pupils from Girvan Academy have been hailed for their commitent to climate and community projects.

Alana Lucas and Sabene Morgan were chosen as the inaugural winners of a special Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere Award for local young people who are inspiring a positive future for people and nature. 

The award itself – a felted hare made from British Shetland wool and mounted on a FCS-certified sustainable wood plinth, was created by artist Maryjean Govan, owner of Girvan-based Made With Fluff Fibrecrafts.

It was presented during a special event at the Academy celebrating youth action on climate change.

Alana and Sabene are both members of the school's eco group. 

Ayrshire Today: GSAB Alana Lucas Girvan Academy joint award winner 2023GSAB Alana Lucas Girvan Academy joint award winner 2023 (Image: GSAB Alana Lucas Girvan Academy joint award winner 2023)

Alana and Sabene were presented with their award by Jenna Cains, the GSA Biosphere’s community and education lead, who heads a broad programme of local and learning projects across the three local authority areas covered by the UNESCO designation.

There are currently more than 740 UNESCO Biospheres in 134 countries, all of which are considered places of international importance for their natural and cultural heritage and local opportunities for sustainable development.

Galloway and Southern Ayrshire was the first to be designated in Scotland, and marked its 10th anniversary in 2022, when Girvan Academy’s eco group were invited to speak at the organisation’s AGM.

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In the same year the Biosphere team joined up with teachers and pupils at Girvan Primary to create the Learning For Sustainability Toolkit, which has now been distributed to schools right across the 9,700 square kilometres of the BIiosphere.

UNESCO Biospheres all work to the ethos of ‘Think Global, Act Local’ through projects and partnerships that cover conservation, education, sustainability and climate resilience.

The GSA Biosphere’s work is supported by core funders including South of Scotland Enterprise and South Ayrshire Council.

Guests at the evening ceremony on September 14 included Girvan and South Carrick councillor Alec Clark, who sits on the GSA Biosphere’s Partnership Board and is a champion of improving opportunities for Girvan’s young people.

Ayrshire Today: GSAB GSA Biosphere Award made by felt artist Maryjean GovanGSAB GSA Biosphere Award made by felt artist Maryjean Govan (Image: GSAB GSA Biosphere Award made by felt artist Maryjean Govan)

Jenna said: “It was such a privilege to be invited to create this award which, now and in the future, will celebrate the young people who spend such a significant amount of their free time hands-on with environmental and community projects in Girvan.

"Many of these have been started by students themselves, based on their own learning and awareness of local need.

"Our warmest congratulations to winners Alana and Sabene, and not forgetting the educators who make positive and inspiring action possible through their leadership and support.”

Find out more about the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere and its programme of activity at or email