MSP Katy Clark says striking workers at Ayrshire College have her “support and solidarity” ahead of action in September.

Support staff at the college are set to walk out alongside 2,000 others across the country on September 7, before a series of rolling strikes in the coming months.

Staff belonging to the UNISON union, which represents employees including librarians, technicians and canteen workers, voted by 93 per cent to strike in April

Katy Clark, Scottish Labour MSP for West Scotland, says the strikes will cause disruption to students and has called on all parties to come to an agreement.

She  said: “These staff are vital to college services and student support, yet they’re being offered a real terms pay cut.

“During a cost-of-living crisis and being threatened with compulsory redundancy, that is unacceptable.

“Strike action in further education is now becoming a regular occurrence due to poor employment practices and systemic underfunding from the Scottish Government.

“This strikes will cause disruption to students, who may lose access to vital college services like the library and canteen.”

Gavin Donoghue, director of College Employers Scotland, said: “It is disappointing that UNISON has announced national strike action.

“Colleges will now seek to put in place measures to mitigate the effects of any proposed action on their students’ education.

““College Employers Scotland provided a full and final pay offer to all support staff trade unions in June for a cumulative £3,500 pay rise.

“We hope UNISON calls off these damaging strikes so colleges can continue to provide the world-class learning experience that students rightly expect and deserve.”